
Mt. Olivet To Host Food Bank May 11


CALMER - Mount Olivet Methodist Church at Calmer will have its Food Bank from 7 to 9 a.m. Saturday, May 11, the church has announced. Mount Olivet is located at the Hwy. 63/Hwy.

Retired Teachers Meeting Thursday


SHERIDAN - The Cleveland and Dallas County Retired Teachers will meet Thursday, May 9 at 12 noon.

A room has been reserved for lunch at Lady Birds Cafe, 120 W Center St. in Sheridan.

Tax Assessment Deadline Is May 31


RISON - Cleveland County Tax Assessor Barbara Reaves reminds local residents that the last day to assess your property without a penalty is Friday, May 31.

Fancy Nancy Takes Handicap Barbies to Arkansas Children's Hospital

FANCY NANCY TAKES HANDICAP BARBIES TO CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL - Nancy Anne Lawson, a six year old kindergartener and the reigning America's Ideal Miss Arkansas JR Princess, and her volunteer partner Stacy Walz, donated 180 Handicap Barbies to Arkansas Children's Hospital Tuesday in Little Rock as part of their second annual Handicap Barbie Drive. Last year was the first year and she donated 103 of the Barbies. That's thousands of dollars raised to bring joy to the children of Arkansas who have handicaps and are being treated at ACH! The Barbies donated include dolls with wheelchairs, Down Syndrome, hearing aids, scoliosis, amputees, and Vitiligo. Over all, this makes over 1,200 items Nancy Anne has donated to ACH, including fleece blankets at Christmas, toys, Easter baskets, hats for babies in the NICU, puzzles, and valentine bags. Nancy Anne will be competing this summer for the national title and a $5,000 scholarship in Georgia.

County Contributing More for Road Aid

RISON - County Judge Jimmy Cummings informed the Cleveland County Quorum Court Monday night that the county will have to chip in more than expected to complete a state aid project to pave portions of two county roads in the New Edinburg area. Cummings said the state originally projected it would cost $447,00 to pave 1.75 miles of county roads but the latest projections now project that to cost about $472,000.